Editorial Reviews

A Critical Tangent

Winner – Global Book Award

McAllister Justice Series Reviews

Kirkus Review – Inconclusive Evidence

“A playful, well-researched thriller that remains romantically genuine throughout.
This third volume of a series finds a family of lawmen—and a veterinarian—trying to thwart a scheme to manipulate the populace with microchips.

Megan Chauner is a veterinarian in the Portland, Oregon, area. When she receives a strange package from her best friend, investigative reporter Jackie Milburn, she follows its instructions. Megan pulls up stakes and rents a remote cabin, hoping to keep the package—containing evidence of unethical work performed by CSV Pharmaceuticals—secure. The company’s research revolves around quantum tunneling and carbon nano tubes as drug delivery systems. When Megan learns that Jackie has been killed, she fears that she’s next.

Heavy footsteps arrive outside the cabin, and she and Leyna, a white shepherd dog, stand ready. But the grizzly sized man who’s arrived is none other than Detective Lucas McAllister, part-time resident of the cabin. Still wounded from the gang-related ambush that killed his partner, Lucas is easily tranquilized and trussed up by Megan. After a cooling-off period, he decides to help her investigate the sinister plans of CSV and the company ClickChip, which makes implantable chips that can dissolve inside a living organism, leaving no trace of the owner’s manipulation. But Lucas has lost one partner in the line of duty. Does he dare place another in jeopardy?

Though the sex jokes fly with campy abandon, Garrett (Bound by Shadows, 2017, etc.) ensures that the hero’s emotional healing remains the backbone of the narrative. In the first half, readers will likely titter at the verbal foreplay between Megan and Lucas, as when she says, “Make it quick, since that’s probably your trademark.” Despite an instant physical attraction, their romance develops organically. Later the McAllister clan appears, including Caden, Ethan, and Billy, as well as Lexi Donovan, the hacker from Digital Velocity (2017).

Garrett keeps the science components accessible, as in the line “The chip is a polymer that dissolves when the temperature drops, as in when the animal dies.” Those unfamiliar with the McAllisters should enjoy this installment, though a full series read will deliver the maximum emotional impact.” – Kirkus Review


5.0 out of 5 stars Best of the series thus far

“Bicoastal author Reily Garrett has been employed as an ICU nurse, a private investigator, and in the military police – all of which supplies her with the intricate and detailed knowledge from which she forges her books. She addresses issues such as man’s cruelty and ingenuity for torment and torture, having witnessed the after-effects of a teenager mugged at knife point for a pair of tennis shoes, or an elderly woman stabbed repeatedly with a screwdriver for no apparent reason- all leaving an indelible impression that will forever haunt her subconscious…

The infectious flavor of Reily’s writing hits us as she opens her story with the following Prologue– ‘Jackie Milburn didn’t do fear. The late-night walk to her car had never provoked an accelerated heart rate. Tonight, however, a bone-deep foreboding arose from vestiges of instinctual awareness, all merging to question her mission’s strategy. If she failed, millions would suffer and life as anyone knew it, would end. Indistinct shadows granted a cozy ambience where she often lurked, but dingy light filtering through overhead branches mocked her bravado. Shadow limbs shook with laughter as Fate’s sense of humor conspired with nature to saturate creation’s mindset with malice. Regardless of destiny’s intentions, she squared her shoulders while scanning the deserted parking lot, alert to any threat. A sense of relief had washed through her after depositing the damning evidence in the USPS blue box. The evil [ones] would never expect an investigative reporter to mail the sophisticated mechanisms across country. Precautions taken with the dispatch ensured no one could trace the recipient. Always have a backup plan. This was the biggest scoop of her career and would spotlight one of Delaware’s billion-dollar companies as a collection of hi-tech, sociopathic thugs. It wouldn’t take CSV Pharmaceuticals long to discover crucial evidence missing and ferret out their traitor. As corporations went, they were as paranoid as any. She prayed Dr. Sorenson made it out of the country alive, and not as shark chum. Paranoia had compelled her to refuse him the number to her newest burner phone. Intuition saw the last one tossed in the Willamette River after tapping out a quick message to her old college roommate. Jackie survived by instincts and prayed they would serve her well—one more time.’

This is a mystery thriller romance and is well outlined as follows – ‘Braiding nanotechnology and medicine equals magic to the psychopathic mind. Megan Chauner has achieved her dream of opening a veterinary practice when she receives a mysterious package with a dire warning from a college roommate turned investigative reporter. Entering a world of advanced surgical techniques, polymer microchips, and nanotechnology, she discovers twisted minds merging the latest science with progressive surgical procedures in a bid for power and wealth. Lucas McAllister faces the biggest upheaval of his life. From chick magnet to wounded cop wasn’t a fall he’d foreseen. Now facing a forced retirement, he returns home to find a gun-toting enigma with multiple IDs deciphering reams of technical, medical jargon and embroiled in a plot destined to alter mankind’s path. Stalkers and assassins draft reality checks that test Luc’s skill and endurance in keeping Megan and her furball alive while the McAllister brothers unite to thwart a bi-coastal conspiracy.’

Terrific novel from a writer of immense skill. Another winner from Reily Garrett!” – Grady Harp

RT Book Reviews -Digital Velocity

“Digital Velocity is a fast-paced romantic suspense thriller that sophisticatedly weaves drama, excitement, grit, raw emotions and mystery. Garrett takes her readers on a journey where suspense and romance are taken up several notches as she unfolds and reveals the identity of a murderer that is on the loose. With her vivid prose, Garrett entices readers to see the bond that is brewing between Detective Ethan McAllister and his unlikely informant.” – RT Book Reviews

Best Thrillers – Digital Velocity

“The Bottom Line: A steamy, seductive police procedural about a cyber predator whose deviant mayhem originates in the dark web.

Set in the fictional city of Callouston, Digital Velocity follows a pair of police detectives, Ethan and Larrick, as they follow an anonymous tip that points to a possible serial killer. As the book begins, the detectives enter a murder scene that quickly devolves into an ambush. Ethan barely survives, which causes the tipster – an elite hacker named Lexi – to come forward out of guilt.

With Lexi’s help, Ethan and Larrick wade ever deeper into a world that scarcely resembles their own. The pair track a psychotic, murderous pimp whose bloodlust seems to know no bounds. Once the investigation gets rolling, no one is safe.

Make no mistake, this is no cozy mystery. Crime thriller fans comfortable with prevalent use of torture, sex toys, rape, power games and mutilation will be right at home with Digital Velocity.

Alongside the investigation itself, author Reily Garrett layers in a compelling romance and some extremely hot sex, including one passage that may be a contender for sex scene of the decade. But the real hook here is the chemistry between investigative pals Ethan and Larrick. While their foul-mouthed banter is a little over the top – they continue to wise-crack and throw good-natured barbs at each other even when getting shot at – their connection feels organic and earned. Ethan may be the star of this novel, but the buddy cop relationship is the glue. Thumbs up for this first series entry.” – Best Thriller Reviews

San Fransisco Bay Review – Digital Velocity

“…This could be James Patterson, Lee Child, and Tess Gerritsen rolled into one, but the dark, twisted methods used by the serial killer could surprise even those readers. Finding that the first four books, plus a prequel to explain Lexi’s past, are already out and available, may set many on a reading spree.

Garrett has successfully mashed thriller and romance genres, reigning supreme in both. The steamy scenes between Lexi and Ethan help to redeem the ruthless horror of Garrett’s psychopath’s creativity. The opposites of dark murder and graphic lovemaking keep the pages turning quickly…” – San Fransisco Bay Review

Carnal Series Reviews

RT Book Reviews – Carnal Obsession
Erotica, Romantic Suspense, BDSM, E-book

“CARNAL OBSESSION is a fast-paced romance that weaves layers of drama, grit, raw emotions, eroticism, a bit of darkness and, of course, obsession. With her sensual prose, Garrett entices readers to enter into a new realm where sexuality and passion collides with mystery and intensity. Well done!” – RT Book Reviews

The Romance Reviews – Carnal Beginnings

“The last thing on Adara’s to do list is a visit to a BDSM club, especially after six years of torture at the hands of family members. Yet Julien realizes that Adara’s spirit is calling for help–and the club is his remedy.

Author Reily Garrett tackles some deep issues in CARNAL BEGINNINGS. Both characters have personal experience with physical abuse. As the story progresses, Julien is drawn to Adara and wants to help her learn how to trust. With Julien’s brothers guaranteed to keep the tone regulated with plenty of laughter, the characters provide an easy connection for the reader.

As Julien tries to help Adara replace her negative experiences with positive ones, the reader gets a front row seat for the transformation. The road is not without its twists and turns.

The BDSM element is well incorporated into the storyline with an appropriate level of detail for a woman like Adara who needs to start slowly.

I found this to be a gripping story about a man and a woman who find triumph amid tragedy.” – The Romance Reviews

The Immortal Lovers Series

The Romance Reviews – Unholy Alliance

“Lukas has been mortally bitten by a demon. Sariel has spent most of her life destroying demons and vampires alike. As the prophecy unfolds, they must form a truce to survive demonic forces in this riveting paranormal romance.

Readers are immediately caught up in a web of excitement as Lukas is attacked by demonic forces while trying to secure a relic that is destined to destroy humanity. The excitement continues to build from there right along with spine tingling suspense as the vampire, the angel, the witch and the ghosts discover that according to a prophecy, they will have to form a truce in order to survive. The scenes are well written with great details that make it easy for the reader to become engrossed in all the intriguing events that take place.

There’s never a dull moment in this fast paced and smooth flowing plot that is full of suspense, excitement and romance. The strong compelling characters grab the reader’s attention and easily draw them into the story. As for the romance, there is lots of sizzling chemistry between Lukas and Sariel as they find themselves fighting their attraction to each other. After all. they are enemies and this causes quite a bit of emotional turmoil flowing from the pages along with the added spice of adjusting to new abilities and other characters’ contributions to the unfolding prophecy.

I was captivated from the very beginning with the fascinating world and the intriguing characters. The story has some interesting elements that make for a bit of a change and the author added some creative demonic forces to the excitement. although I will admit that the story seems to kind of jump right into things so it was a little difficult to get a feel for the overall story to begin with. Also the story takes place in the present but for some reason I kept feeling that the story was taking place in the past. I haven’t figure that one out yet, but I am looking forward to finding out what happens next.” – The Romance Reviews